I'd always rather be lucky than smart.
False modesty can be worse than arrogance.
The wrongdoer is more unfortunate than the man wronged.
Kids can learn a lot by seeing things rather than reading it.
There is nothing more beautiful than a kind soul.
There is no better adviser than a good book.
Your thoughts are more real than you are.
I understand your actions more than your conversations.
I have no other destiny than the destiny of humanity.
Wisdom is better than knowledge, for wisdom is simple but knowledge is complex.
Always try to be someone of value than someone famous.
In today's society conformity is more of a necessity than an option.
I think I'm more demanding than any wife.
There's no better feeling than being on a Broadway stage for me.
Wicked is not much worse than indiscreet.
Much else than liberalization has happened in the nineties (in India)
Some of us are better at owning the responsibility of our actions than others.
You know the bark is worse than the bite in D.C.
Rather suffer than die is man's motto.
When the market goes to hell, it's more of an opportunity than a problem.
American television tends to move faster than European or U.K. television.