Action breeds inspiration more than inspiration breeds action.
Technique is of less interest than character and story.
In case of doubt, do a little more than you have to.
You have to be passionate about something other than yourself!
It is more rewarding to be complicit with scarcity than excess.
Stephane Richard is far more attuned to the market than Didier Lombard.
We always learn more from the losing than the winning.
An invitation to a wedding invokes more trouble than a summons to a police court.
I was more excited than scared, at the opportunity to work in an English movie.
More flirtatious than me. I couldn't work it like she did.
I do more work in Britain than I do anywhere else in the world.
I've done a lot of casual work, and acting is a lot easier than laying carpets.
Inspiration usually comes during work, rather than before it.
As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey.
I tend to dress a little more sophisticated than most women do.
Women would rather be right than reasonable.
Are Republican women politicians more 'feminine' than Democratic women politicians?
Law is always better than war.
It's a fraction of the cost to prevent a war than prosecute a war.
Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own.
It is much more difficult to measure nonperformance than performance.