The best lies are based on the truth, at least in part
'Sound of My Voice' is an amazing film. Small, simple, yet incredibly thought provoking.
The brain is unreliable. It relies on lies.
The only true immortality lies in one's children. [ ]
The best lies about me are the ones told.
Secret is the mother of all lies.
In the essence of truth lies deceit.
We change the future with every choice we make,
The failure of the nation lies in the failure of its citizens.
Behind every crime lies an insult
Separate yourself from the lies and illusions which are not you.
He rolled his eyes. "Fiction lies for the truth.
A lie never grows old.
Everyone lies. Or they have amnesia.
Like" and "like" and "like"--but what is the thing that lies beneath the semblance of the thing?
Anytime you ride against the best in the world, it becomes a learning process.
You’re not a failure. You’re a survivor. Call me. –Drew
In a world that loves lies, truth is subject to the greatest libels.
I regard teaching religion as purveying lies.
Destiny lies before, should we choose to pursue it
The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead.