I had hoped to hear the President tonight tell the Congress and the American people exactly how he plans to tackle some of the important issues facing this country, unfortunately I did not.
I don't ever want to be caught up in a system of thinking I can do one thing 'cos that's just... that's just telling yourself a lie.
Our lady the Common Law is a very wise old lady though she still has something to learn in telling what she knows.
Common sense tells us that this explosion of media sources should eliminate any concern over a lack of diversity of views in the marketplace and competition.
When my wife passed, I stopped doing interviews and I stopped doing meet-and-greets, mostly because I sort of became this suicide ambassador. Everybody wanted to tell me their story.
I am the type of artist where you can't tell me anything. I have always been that way. I am right. I don't need any input.
Young people will tell you, if you're not prepared to write the most violent, the most misogynistic, the most horrible kinds of rhymes and scenarios, you are not going to get air play.
Like, Mission Of Burma to me always sounded almost like they were part of the British Arty New Wave. I kind of like that. I like not being able to tell the difference.
Take a random selection of photographs of America in 2012 and 2002 and 1992 and, except for the skinny jeans and the porkpie hats, you'll be hard-pressed to tell the years in which the pictures were taken.
As any journalist will tell you, there are few professional situations as vexing as when a friend becomes involved in a major story that you feel you must cover.
I'm the warlock who's here to cure you. Didn't they tell you I was coming?" "I know who you are, but..." Maia looked dazed. "You look so...so...
Listening to others does not mean you should sound like them; find your own voice by telling stories as authentically as possible.
I was the one who kept telling my second husband he should become a cinematographer. I paid for him to get his director's card, and he went on to make 'Godspell.'
My face lends itself to austere characters, and unless they're two-dimensional, I will do them. Any actor will tell you that an interesting villain is much more interesting to play.
I knew how to read a contract by 10 years old, but I didn't know what it meant for somebody to come in and tell me they loved me and kiss me goodnight. That's a problem.
One wants to tell a story, like Scheherezade, in order not to die. It's one of the oldest urges in mankind. It's a way of stalling death.
My job is to find the politicians and the presidents and the pompous people who are telling other people how to live, powerful, visible creatures and ... go at them.
You go to a plant not only to pat the people on the back, but to tell them about the opportunities they have to do a better job. Quality is one of the opportunities they have to do a better job.
Please, never tell me what 'horror erotica' is. Real #art is being lost in a bizarre swamp of over-processed, sexually exploitative garbage.
Common sense should tell us that there is no reason for civilians to have access to easily concealable handguns with the capability to shoot through body armor.
If Christian teachers wish to recall Christian people to domesticity the first necessity is to stop telling lies about home life and to substitute realistic teaching.