All true teachings expand awareness, not limit it.
Journey of Your Soul: A Channel Explores the Michael TeachingsThe music plays . . . and your sense of reality is heightened to a dream.
Professor Brown Shoes Teaches the BluesI would be very, very uncomfortable at teaching, at dreaming to teach, people things.
Philippa GregoryYou don't have to teach people how to be human. You have to teach them how to stop being inhuman.
Eldridge CleaverAikido is not ultimately Japanese: It is an art of universal truth and international significance.
Journey to the Heart of Aikido: The Teachings of Motomichi Anno SenseiMan's status in the natural world is determined, therefore, by the quality of his thinking.
The Secret Teachings of All AgesThe Devil teaches women what they are – or they would teach it to the Devil if he did not know.
Le bonheur dans le crime