I think it may not be a coincidence that the rise of printing and book publication and literacy and the phenomenon of best sellers all preceded the humanitarian reforms of the Enlightenment.
Led Zeppelin would never have reformed if he or Jimmy Page were bald.
Among many other reforms, Australians pioneered the secret ballot and universal suffrage.
Normalization of U.S.-China relations in 1979, combined with economic reforms and opening, transformed the Chinese people's lives.
Those who refuse to reform may not make mistakes, but they will be blamed for not assuming their historical responsibility.
In my mind, there is no reason public school reform should be a partisan issue.
There is no better protection against the euro crisis than successful structural reforms in southern Europe.
All of the candidates agree that the Democratic Party needs to undergo fundamental reforms.
Real lobbying reform must end the practice of corporate lobbyists writing our laws.
I've seen how the left has used it to accuse opponents of their version of reform of being bigots and racists.
I spent 10 years fighting for reform in Cook County, and I didn't change my DNA when I got to Washington.
I had had a lot of experience in bringing the Internet to Australia, and I saw that knowledge in the hands of people achieves reform.
In the democratic western countries so-called capitalism leads a saturnalia of 'freedom', like a bastard brother of reform.
I don't need to be looking at every failure of government, I need to be looking where failure of government needs reform.
On the same day I was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada, I announced the most sweeping reform ever undertaken in the structure of our federal government.
The Reform Bill has destroyed the ancient conduits and strainers, and brings Public Opinion to act upon the government with the rapid, turbulent, and uncertain violence of a flood!
But I don't want massive layoffs of anyone - public or private. We are planning on shrinking government through attrition and reform, not through random pink slips.
The bottom line: health care reform is about the patient, not about the physician.
I'm one of those that have said, one of my key principles is I will not support a health care reform bill that is not deficit-neutral, period.
Those outside of autism need to understand this is an epidemic and we need more government funding, insurance coverage and education reform.
I've spent the better part of my career in politics and public policy working on and fighting for education reforms.