I really love Penelope Cruz, because she has the tan skin. I think it's important to look at people who resemble you and see what looks good on them, and how they are doing their makeup or hair and how they carry themselves.
Además no es tan malo vivir solo. Yo la paso bien, decidiendo a cada instante lo que quiero hacer, y gracias a la soledad me conozco; algo fundamental para vivir
A veces contemplo la esencia de la vida de una manera tan profunda que de repente miro a mi alrededor y veo que nadie me acompaña, que mi único compañero es el tiempo...
Nunca amamos a alguien. Amamos, tan sólo, la idea que nos hacemos de alguien. Es a un concepto nuestro –en suma, es a nosotros mismo– a quien amamos.
Ben: You can tan while you make love. When you're through you've got a brown ass.
La realidad cotidiana de mi vida. Qué fastuosa manera de referirse a ese nudo de contradicciones, a ese rompecabezas donde faltan piezas, a ese rostro en el espejo, tan confuso que espanta.
It would almost be easier to never see her again tan to look into her eyes and know she'd left her love for him somewhere in the past.
Qué fuerza de realiadad tienen los pensamientos de la gente que piensa poco y, sobre todo, que no divaga. A veces dicen “buenos días”, pero de qué manera tan inteligente.
My spray-tan woman is amazing. She comes to my house at 10 o'clock the night before a shoot. The results are so brown, flawless, and natural. It's just weird because my natural skin color is very white, almost whitish yellow.
Me atrevería a decir que un hechicero puede llegar a ser útil y demás, pero, o sea, ¿siempre tienen que actuar de una manera tan puñeteramente rara?
—... Ahora, vamos: dibuja un círculo, tan redondo como puedas. Tenía un mal presentimiento acerca de todo aquello. A pesar de ello, obedecí: así soy yo, siempre confiada y obediente. Ja.
I’m hard to love, but I love hard, like my heart is the sun yearning to tan your naked body. I promise I won’t burn you.
I think bare legs in winter are idiotic. Unless your naked pins are toned, tanned and veinless, it's best to cover up. There is nothing more elegant in winter than dark tights worn with matching knee-length boots and a belted trench coat.
I grew up in a predominantly Caucasian community, and most of my friends had blonde hair and blue eyes. So I was always straightening my hair, wearing colored contacts, and I never tanned, if I could help it.
Feminism is not a dirty word. It does not mean you hate men, it does not mean you hate girls that have nice legs and a tan, and it does not mean you are a bitch or a dyke. It means you believe in equality.
I've missed London so much for its fashion. No disrespect to the girls in Manchester, but some really do look like clones - there's a lot of hair extensions and fake tans. You're free to experiment down here.
When I was in my 20s, I thought that being known for 'Swimming Pool' was kind of a burden. Like, 'OK, everyone thinks I am this tanned bimbo,' and I was having problems coping with that image.
Él todavía estaba en condiciones de decidir, pero como solamente tenía 11 años, era su padre quien decidía por él. ¿Por qué, Señor, por qué el mundo se organizaba tan rematadamente mal?
This is so dumb - once time I spray-tanned before a race, and I didn't shower, and I sweated the whole thing off on my car. It was so bad, I told a fan I would never do it again.
I love going to the beach in the tropics and doing whatever I do - surfing, swimming or being - and the glow when I get a tan that deepens. I walk around with red and gold in my skin and feel like the most beautiful thing on the planet!
I love out-of-the-way, rugged places. For me, holidays are about the experiences, and the people, and the memories, rather than sitting on a nice beach getting tanned. I try to plant myself where I am and embrace what is there in front of me.