It's not listed in the Bible, but my spiritual gift, my specific calling from God, is to be a television talk-show host.
I've taught a lot about prayer over the years and how it is really just talking to God.
Buddhists talk about nirvana in very much the same terms as monotheists describe God.
I think it's safe to say that if you talk to anybody in Ireland, they'll have a passing knowledge of the guitar. It was something that I couldn't get away from when I was younger: guitars played in shops and parties, just everywhere.
My focus as part of the leadership is to keep talking about the independent voters, independent voters - how do we get the independent voters back?
I've made this decision not to talk to the press about anything that's gone on in my life, but just to write music about it. They can interpret it themselves.
I never talk about my wife: we're both in public professions but we try to keep our private life private.
The Madden Curse has really taken on a life of its own. People just love talking about it, and it is what it is, but I look at it as a challenge.
Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners.
I have lived most of my life in small towns, and I'm in the habit of knowing and talking to everyone.
You gotta live life before you can talk about it. Sometimes when things don't work out in life, they work out on stage.
It was Jung who first said to explain the symbol as if talking to a man from mars who knew nothing about our life on earth.
I wish I could never spend another second talking about cancer and all it does to everyone it surrounds, but unfortunately, that cannot be because of my life.
I'm just so comfortable talking about my private life: I just think because I'm not that clever.
I don't talk to anybody about my personal life, and maybe that perpetuates it, too. But it's really important to own what you want to own and keep it to yourself.
Basically, I started singing when I started talking. Music has just been my saving grace my whole life.
If you're going to get engaged make sure you've talked to your partner about life together in the years to come.
On 'Southland,' when a helicopter joins our scene, we don't skip a beat. The actors talk louder because that's what cops do in real life.
Singing is the love of my life, but I was ready to give it all up because I couldn't handle people talking about how fat I was.
I want to talk to people that have been through big disappointments, big emotional crises, deep life struggles, and I will learn something from that.
'Marnie' was ahead of its time. People didn't talk about childhood and its effects on adult life. It was taboo to discuss sexuality and psychology and to put all that into a film was shocking.