Humans are moving into a new phase, one based on the knowledge that talking about their feelings has never got them anywhere.
Yeah, because you'll really be showing them, won't you. Talk about cutting up your wrists to spite your fate.
I swear to God, I think my panties just melted off my body. How can Crush just talking sex make me hot?
Don’t be stupider than you need to be, I remind myself. Remember Calease? The last glowing girl you talked to tried to kill you.
She opened one eye. “The goddess Artemis is going to talk to the supreme god Zeus … about me?” “Yup.” She closed her eyes again. “I’m so not okay.
This was the mark of deep infatuation, he thought: the desire to watch a woman talk just to see her lips move, to be around her.
Pretend to be mad and talk a lot. Then — and this is the important bit — do nothing at all until you absolutely have to and then make sure everyone dies.
The conversation was one-sided. She was doing all the talking, and every time I opened my mouth it wasn’t to reply—it was to yawn.
After a few years of not talking, I tried reaching out to my father, but by that time he was already a few inches beyond my outstretched fingers.
I’d like to write a screenplay about my grandpa, and I’d like my future grandson to play the part. Talk about a mindfuck!
Foolish potato, talking to her like that won’t work. You’ve got to be mean and show off your foil-wrapped rigidity.
Vaughn is talking about the heat, and his voice is so excited that it breaks into whispers at times. He loves his madness the way a bird loves the sky.
You young people never say anything. And us old folks don't know how to stop talking.
Don't talk to my sister that way." Nico said. His voice quivered, but I was impressed that he had the guts to say anything at all. — Percy
I hate not talking to you, I hate not bickering like we're an old married couple and I hate not spending every day right next to you. -- Chase
The worst thing about talk ... is that there's no way to lay it to rest. Every fresh breeze brings a new speculation.
He wondered if he should try to talk to the boy like that. Perhaps the boy wondered why he didn't. But they had silence, and not many people had that.
Drummond appreciated his guest's initial silence, his respect for the ancient, sacred act of imbibing. Drink first, talk later.
Only it seems to me that once in your life before you die you ought to see a country where they don't talk in English and don't even want to.
Insomnia I wonder If those talks matter Few done in the clarity of day Or the many Done at 3 a.m. in the morning
I should fancy, however, that murder is always a mistake. One should never do anything that one cannot talk about after dinner.