A lot of the shows that really become hit shows are often demonstrated, like Mystery Science Theater.
I was a 'Glee' fan before I joined the show! Since my background is musical theater, it was exciting to see a TV show that incorporated music so much and in such a genius way.
Mainly I was able to perform with music - I played the French horn, I would sing, and I was a drummer in the pipe band. So I think it was a way to show off.
Do you know that I was the anchor on the 'CBS Morning Show?' And my newsman was Walter Cronkite.
Television and movies just take so long. If you pitch a show or develop a project, it can be a year before your show even gets on the air, if it gets picked up.
'Longmire' is more of a show about the characters, and you couldn't pay a bigger compliment than to want to know more about my character, or the characters on the show.
You show me a teenager who doesn’t like to be flattered and I’ll show you a teenager who’s got a steady source of sex.
I'm really proud of this show I did called 'I Just Want My Pants Back.' I was very proud of my work on the show and such a huge fan of everybody involved.
From my years of work with so many game show production companies and their producers I'm probably no longer eligible to be a contestant on any American game show.
Do not desire chiefly to be cherished and consoled by God; desire above all to love Him. Do not anxiously desire to have others find consolation in God, but rather help them to love God. Do not seek consolation in talking about God, but speak of Him ...
The fire? It has been alive as long as I have. We talk and think together all night long. It’s like a book to me – the only book I ever learned to read; and many an old story it tells me. It’s music, for I should know its voice among a thousand...
My cheeks are red hot, my lip still trembles, because I sent my heart to speak; every word of it delusional and awkward, an exuberance, an abrupt sound. That's how I spoke, oh, it still shows on my hot cheeks I'm now carrying home. I look down at the...
Who knew there were still people like that in this world, though? Everybody wants to talk about themselves, and everybody wants to hear everybody else's story, so we take turns playing reporter and celebrity. 'It must have made you very sad when your...
Do you miss her? I blinked. Did I what? This was my best friend since preschool we were talking about, the girl whose snack and math homework I’d shared since before I had memorized my own phone number, who’d buried her cold, annoying little feet...
Frank Costello: [talking about Costigan] Do you trust him? Mr. French: Well these days, who's reliable? Frank Costello: His uncle Jackie was. Yeah, you can't trust a guy acts like he's got nothing to lose. Mr. French: I'm reliable. Frank Costello: Ar...
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Hey Cris, how'd you know we'd be living on Mars by 1970? Criswell: I guessed. I made it up. [Leans over to Ed] Criswell: It's horseshit. Edward D. Wood, Jr.: [Ed looks very crestfallen] Really... Criswell: Eddie, there's no such ...
DJ Ruby Rhod: Korben sweetheart, what was that? It was BAD! It had no fire, no energy, no nothing! Y'know I got a Show to run here, and it must pop POP POP! So tomorrow from 5 to 7 will you PLEASE act like you have more than a two word vocabulary. It...
Mona Lisa Vito: Don't you wanna know why Trotter gave you his files? Vinny Gambini: I told you why already. Mona Lisa Vito: He has to, by law, you're entitled. It's called disclosure, you dickhead! He has to show you everything, otherwise it could be...
I gave up on ever trying to get 'my way.' I barely knew it existed.
I swear, talking to you is like talking to a really good-looking and mildly stupid brick wall.
Sometimes not talking is effortless, and other times it’s more exhausting than lifting pianos.