Men and women tried each other on, casually, like suits, rejecting whatever did not fit.
The Handmaid's TaleIn the end, every man's life is but a tale told to him that's lived it, and to him alone.
The ReligionIntroduction of deus ex machina is a tell-tale sign of sloppy plotting.
Many Genres, One Craft: Lessons in Writing Popular FictionGo and you will see that nothing is as wonderful as our dreams can make it
Mermaid: A Twist on the Classic TaleWhat were prizes but one more level of control imposed on Art by the establishment?
Stone Mattress: Nine TalesWith the young writers now it’s F and C all day long, which he, personally, finds boring.
Stone Mattress: Nine TalesThe more people that meet each other, the better it is for all of them. ("The Gift Of God").
Tales From Gavagan's Bar