And, they would still be alive today...If they hadn't died, that is
Definitely Not for Little Ones: Some Very Grimm Fairy-tale ComicsIf you wish to view this as a cautionary tale, be my guest.
Death from the Skies!: These Are the Ways the World Will End...Drink from the fountain of love where every drop is eternal passion.
Ebony Encounters: A Trilogy of Erotic TalesKa was a wheel; it was also a net from which none ever escaped.
Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark TalesHalf the lies I tell are not true. To tell you the truth, half the true tales I tell are lies.
The Gods of Chaos: NetherworldAccount books form a narrative as engaging as any tale of sea monsters or cannibals.
Bring Up the BodiesAs a storyteller, I appreciate a great tale. As a cat lover, I appreciate a great tail.
99 Cents For Some Nonsense