In certain European cuisines, vegetables are cooked a long time. I take the term 'al dente' and use it for vegetables.
If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.
The glamour of twentieth-century air travel helped to persuade once-fearful travelers to take to the skies and encouraged parochial Americans to go out and see the world.
I am now trying to trust the universe to take care of me and not necessarily rely on other people to make me happy.
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.
Zé Pequeno: Where do you want to take the shot? In the hand or in the foot?
Jay: I was outside taking a piss when I heard the news, congrats!
Christine: I just couldn't stand to see that man take away your dignity.
Eric Draven: Take your shot, Funboy. You got me dead bang.
Lucy: You take everyone's suffering and turn it into gold, LITERARY GOLD!
Pino: Take your pizza and get the fuck back to Africa.
Forrest Gump: Mama says they was magic shoes. They could take me anywhere.
Colonel Robert G. Shaw: If you men will take no pay, then none of us will.
Blondie: Put your drawers on, and take your gun off.
Walter Burns: Take Hitler and stick him on the funny page.
Norm: Shake, take that wig off! It suits you.
Bing Bong: Take her to the moon for me, Joy.
Driver: If there's no room at the Hotel Genius, I'll take a room at the Hotel Imbecile.
Mitchell Stephens: Something's happening that's taking our children away.
Samantha: I'm sorry that you feel bad but you need to drop the attitude.
Rose: I'm through being polite, goddammit! Now, take me down.