The reality is, when you're representing someone that's guilty, you're in the position of taking that position.
No gains are ever achieved without first taking the risk of trying.
It takes years to build on to a dream but only a second to shatter.
If you take the cameras out of the courtroom, then you hide a certain measure of truth from the public.
It takes courage to love someone because it's a wonderful adventure.
I take complete and sole responsibility for my present situation.
I guess if you take yourself seriously as an artist there starts either the problem or the beauty of doing good artwork.
I know from experience it's very hard to get access to a prison to take pictures.
It definitely takes a fair bit of experience to know what's the right kind of wave and which is the wrong wave.
Doing designs on a loom takes a lot of talent and experience, and, trust me, I won't be able to do that.
I was coerced into taking piano lessons in the early '50s. It was a quite unpleasant experience.
All artists are people of growth. It's like food, you take the good and leave the rest.
You have to find a balance with food in your life - you can't take out food. It can be absolutely terrifying.
Healthy people eating healthy food should never need to take an antibiotic.
Freedom is man's capacity to take a hand in his own development. It is our capacity to mold ourselves.
We think that forgiveness is weakness, but it's absolutely not; it takes a very strong person to forgive.
What's wrong with extreme dieting and hard-core fitness plans is that they don't take into account the rest of your life.
Our health-care morass is like the problems of global warming and the national debt - the kind of vast policy failure that is far easier to get into than to get out of. Americans say that they want leaders who will take on these problems.
A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss... That's the trade-off. But I'll take it all.
Losing a family member is extremely difficult for anyone to take. But the normal reaction is to want to get back to your work as soon as you can.
When people say crazy stuff about me or my family, I don't take it seriously.