I'm in love with dream catchers. I collect them from every trip I take.
When love is suppressed hate takes its place.
I love taking you inside a world that you're not apart of and showing how actually works.
Before we make love my husband takes a pain killer.
I still believe in love, most definitely. I'm just going to let that take the lead.
If I ever have to stop taking the subway, I'm gonna have a heart attack.
You know what I hate? Indian givers... no, I take that back.
People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them.
It takes 15,000 casualties to train a major general.
To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture.
Gotta take my puppy on the road with me, Killer.
I'll always take an artistic endeavor over a career move.
I most often land up taking up the roles that I most detest.
My fans are called 'Mayniacs'. They enjoy screaming and chasing me and taking pictures.
I take a lot of flak from the counter-establishment for selling out.
I like to surprise people. I try to take risks.
Some extremists take elements of the sacred scriptures out of context.
Solitude is the furnace in which transformation takes place.
Try to take for a mate a person of your own neighborhood.
Sometimes the storm in your mind takes you to a better decision.
You cannot function in an unction you don't take action on.