I remember when I was a private soldier. I remember the days when I was taken care of and when I was not taken care of.
He had taken George, my beloved George, from me. And he had taken my other self: Anne.
It seems there's nothing so good or pure it cant be taken without a moment's notice. And then in the end, it all gets taken anyway.
Noir is dead for me because historically, I think it's a simple view. I've taken it as far as it can go. I think I've expanded on it a great deal, taken it further than any other American novelist.
The money when you're having a hit is great, but money can be taken from you. What can't be taken from you is the talent and the effect your work has.
If you give what can be taken, you are not really giving. Take what you are given, not what you want to be given. Give what cannot be taken.
I was first imprisoned in Pretoria, and then, thereafter, I was taken to Robben Island. I stayed there for a couple of weeks. I was taken back to Pretoria when I was charged in the Rivonia trial, when I was then sent to Robben Island for life.
For a really relaxing time, you want to go to a place where the work ethic hasn't taken hold, where the culture hasn't been taken over by the western values of constant striving.
Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are t...
Most friendships, if the end at all, end not by earthquake, but by erosion. Your time together, which you used to take for granted, becomes something you need to schedule. Slowly you're aware that the easy intimacy you shared got lost somewhere. You ...
If you go back a few hundred years, what we take for granted today would seem like magic - being able to talk to people over long distances, to transmit images, flying, accessing vast amounts of data like an oracle. These are all things that would ha...
As a kid, I was growing up in an era of celebration of the Civil War centennial, with a lot of 'Lost Cause' emphasis on the Confederacy. I used to play Civil War soldiers with my brothers as a child, and my older brother always insisted that he got t...
Lex: [Brachiosaurs hearing Grant imitate they're singing look up in his direction] Sh. Sh. Don't let the monsters come over here. Dr. Alan Grant: They're not monsters, Lex. They're just animals. And these are herbivores. Tim: That means they only eat...
If you just casually look at a baby, it doesn't look like there's very much going on there, but they know more and learn more than we would ever have thought. Every single minute is incredibly full of thought and novelty. It's easy as adults to take ...
Rubashov had always believed that he knew himself rather well. Being without moral prejudices, he had no illusions about the phenomenon called the "first person singular" and had taken for granted, without particular emotion, that this phenomenon was...
All the media are horrible.
It's an ongoing joy being a dad.
I'm a big bath person.
'The Invisibles' by Grant Morrison is my favorite series of all time.
If women would today would rise en masse and demand their emancipation, the men would be compelled to grant it.
La mayoría de la muerte de la gente es una farsa, no queda en ellos nada que pueda morir