Harry: Hagrid, who gave you the Dragon Egg? What did he look like? Hagrid: I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up. Harry: This stranger, though, you and he must've talked. Hagrid: Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I look...
Chan Wing Yan: Should I salute you? Lau Kin Ming: No, don't. How long have you been an undercover? Chan Wing Yan: I've followed Sam for 3 years; I had several other bosses before. All together, it's been 10 years Lau Kin Ming: 10 years? I should salu...
Joseph Goebbels: [in German; subtitled] How many seats in your auditorium? Francesca Mondino: [translates into French] Shosanna Dreyfus: [in French; subtitled] Three hundred and fifty. Francesca Mondino: [translates into German] Joseph Goebbels: That...
[Vogel is holding Elsa hostage at gunpoint] Colonel Vogel: Throw down the gun or the girl will die. Professor Henry Jones: But she's one of them. Elsa: Indy, please! Professor Henry Jones: She's a Nazi. Indiana Jones: What? Professor Henry Jones: Tru...
Daniel Molloy: So, what do you do? Louis: I'm a vampire. Daniel Molloy: Hmm. That's something I've never heard before. You mean this literally, I take it? Louis: Absolutely. I was waiting for you in that alleyway: watching you watching me. And then y...
Scout: I said, 'Hey,' Mr. Cunningham. How's your entailment getting along? [He turns and looks away] Scout: Don't you remember me, Mr. Cunningham? I'm Jean Louise Finch. You brought us some hickory nuts one early morning, remember? We had a talk. I w...
Merlin: Hugo, Digby, you don't land in the K, you're not in the K. Rufus, you opened too soon. You're all over the radar. All three of you, pack your bags. Go home. [the three candidates leave] Merlin: Eggsy, Roxy, congratulations. You set a new reco...
Press Conference Reporter: Mr. President, has it been a good visit? The President: Very satisfactory indeed. We got what we came for, and our special relationship is still very special. Press Conference Reporter: Prime Minister? Prime Minister: I lov...
Johnny Stompanato: You want an autograph? Write to MGM. Ed Exley: Since when do two-bit hoods and hookers give out autographs? Johnny Stompanato: What'd you say to me? Ed Exley: LAPD. Sit down. Lana Turner: Who in the hell do you think you are? Jack ...
Saruman: You have fought many wars and slain many men, Theoden King, and made peace afterwards. Can we not take council as we once did, my old friend? Can we not have peace? Theoden: We shall have peace... We shall have peace, when you answer for the...
Adult Simba: I know what I have to do. But going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been running from it for so long. [Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick] Adult Simba: Ow! Jeez, what was that for? Rafiki: It doesn't matter. It's in ...
[Gennady is shoving Eddie Mora around in his apartment hallway when the NZT pill falls out of his pocket] Gennady: What is that? Eddie Morra: [panicking] Nothing. Just aspirin. [desperately tries to get it] Gennady: [steps down hard on Eddie's arm pr...
Elvis: Yo, man, I ain't askin' nobody nothin'! Nick, Slevin, Clark Kent, whatever the fuck your name is. The Virgin Mary herself could com waltzin' up in here with her fine ass, titties hangin' out and everything, and if she tells me your name is Jes...
Professor Henry Higgins: Marry Freddy! What an infantile idea, what a heartless, wicked, brainless thing to do. She'll regret it. She'll regret it! It's doomed before they even take the vow. [sings] Professor Henry Higgins: I can see her now, "Mrs. F...
Harvey Milk: [answering the phone] Scotty? Paul: I'm sorry, sir. I read about you in the paper. Harvey Milk: I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. Paul: Sir, I think I'm gonna kill myself. Harvey Milk: No, you don't want to do that. Where are you callin...
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Well, do you have anything to say, Banks? George Banks: Well, sir, they do say that when there's nothing to say, all you can say... [He feels Michael's tuppence in his pocket, takes it out and looks at it] Mr. Dawes Sr.: Confound it, B...
Estate Agent: That's your sofa, which also doubles up as a bed, which is great, you know, cause you can be watching some telly and you ain't got to hassle having to get outta the bedroom, you can just open it up, get your kip. Kitchen just through th...
Tank: Here you go, buddy; "Breakfast of Champions." Mouse: If you close your eyes, it almost feels like you're eating runny eggs. Apoc: Yeah, or a bowl of snot. Mouse: Do you know what it really reminds me of? Tasty Wheat. Did you ever eat Tasty Whea...
Sally: Lunch! Dr. Finkelstein: Mm, what's this? [sniffs] Dr. Finkelstein: Wormswort! Mmm... [prepares to take a bite but then sniffs suspiciously] Dr. Finkelstein: ...And frog's breath? Sally: [innocently] What's wrong? I thought you *liked* frog's b...
Giuseppe Conlon: I'm going to die. Gerry Conlon: Don't be saying that. Giuseppe Conlon: I'm scared. Gerry Conlon: There's no reason to be scared. You have nothing to be scared about. Giuseppe Conlon: Don't you be comforting me when I can see the trut...
Sharkey: You boys got yourself a real martyr for a friend. Make it work for you. Patrick 'Patsy' Goldberg: Yeah, but what are we going to do with a martyr? Sharkey: Times change. Prohibition won't last much longer. Take it from me, a lot of you will ...