Bare essentials. Like packing for paradise when you know you’re boarding the barge to hell.
Charlotte's ChanceLife’s too short to do anything but enjoy it daily.
The Comfort of Little Things: An Educator's Guide to Second ChancesIf you don't read the Holy Bible, you don't stand a chance with the antichrist.
God's Blueprint of the Holy BibleThere are rules to luck, not everything is chance for the wise; luck can be helped by skill.
The Art of Worldly WisdomClassic art was the art of necessity: modern romantic art bears the stamp of caprice and chance.
Max EastmanPeople do not meet by chance––they navigate their lives to certain people for certain reasons.
I Hate to Say GoodbyeIt is your own will to understand things, that makes you sensible.Education is just a fair chance.
If It's Not LoveOur chances of survival were entirely dependent on our ability and willingness to dominate others.