My aim was never to seek a force and take power.
It takes two to make a relationship, but only one to screw it up.
The people I respect the least are the ones that take themselves way too seriously.
Artists take on an alias that's suitable for their style of music. Everyone had a nickname when they were younger.
Early One Morning takes time and, I mean, all things like that I felt were very important.
Men take only their needs into consideration - never their abilities.
I don't take the movies seriously, and anyone who does is in for a headache.
Elaine Miller: Don't take drugs!
I take things very seriously.
The best revenge is the time. Time takes it's revenge all the time.
I don't take advances for my books.
I don't take Mars One seriously at all.
Giving is the only way of taking part
The flight to success takes off from within.
There is no take two in life, so make the most of it.
Wisdom most of the time takes form of advice.
It takes a wise man to recognize a wise man.
I like to take credit for the work that I have done.
In a way, we women take on more than we need to sometimes.
The past is what you take with you.
Old age is, so to speak, the sanctuary of ills: they all take refuge in it.