It takes a childlike heart to feel the promptings of the Spirit, to surrender to those commands, and to obey. That is what it takes to be nourished by the good word of God.
I would not take for granted that my personal life - because I knew better than anybody - that it was just a life. It was surprisingly an ordinary life.
I'm giving life lessons and tips on how to take care of your emotional heart, because heart disease is the number-one killer in America.
I'm not saying that love always takes you to heaven. Your life can become a nightmare. But that said, it is worth taking the risk.
I'm making little changes in my life to take care of myself, like putting in a mile or two on my treadmill every day.
I love working fast. I don't relish the director who wants to do 25 to 30 takes, or the actors who insist on doing 25 or 30 takes.
Two of my boys are Manchester United fans; one is an Arsenal fan. Whenever there is a game I can take the boys to, I love taking them.
When a man comes to me and tries to convince me that he is not a thief, then I take care of my coppers.
It does not take much to make us realize what fools we are, but the little it takes is long in coming.
My son's taking drum lessons, and my daughter's taking piano lessons. One day they're going to start a band.
Other than obvious errors like forgetting a line, often I can't see any difference between take one and take 20.
Don't take criticism personally; take from it what's useful. Apply it and move on to something better.
It takes someone strong to leave with their head held high. It takes someone stronger to stay with their head held higher.
Being a stunt coordinator, I have to take care not only of myself but I have to make sure everyone is safe.
If the law is a bad law, there is always the contingent right to take action that you would not otherwise take.
I was trying to take the band in a direction that I thought was appropriate, and Roth was trying to take the band in more of a Las Vegas direction. And there he is.
We don't take care of our teachers and our cops and our firemen. They should be at the top of our list.
Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get.
We must take care that globalization does not become something people become afraid of.
You gotta take care of yourself; you can't do anything in excess.
Do we always do the things that God would take pleasure, or that we do things we think God would take pleasure.