He looks at me and then, reverting to the voice he'd used with Kendra, says, 'If homegirls wanna see me as ghetto trash'--he stops and switches to his lispy, sassy voice--'or big-ass queer'--now he switches to his deepest Shakespeare voice--'I shall ...
[Cypher has betrayed the crew and is pulling their plugs one by one] Cypher: By the way, if you have something terribly important to say to Switch, I'd suggest you say it now. Trinity: Oh no, please don't... Switch: Not like this. Not like this. [Cyp...
There isn't a switch that I turn on. I'm an actor. This is what I do.
Switching to the outfield was the best break I ever got.
I'm quite subdued, believe it or not. I switch it on for the camera.
I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.
I'm a slow starter, but it's time to flip on the switch.
I try and have a relaxed attitude and stay quite switched off until about an hour before kick-off.
That's part of the policy: To keep switching gears.
Faith is the switch that turns the impossible into possible.
Love doesn’t exactly come with an off switch.
So, I simply switched over to wine because it was not carbonated.
When did the future switch from being a promise to a threat?
There is no off position on the genius switch.
Switch: Our way... or the highway.
I'm so unhappy with electoral politics that I switched to sports radio.
Fantasy was always only a reality waiting to be switched on.
We need to keep switching up the language around climate change.
People always switched on turn me off.
So in my junior year, I switched to the drama department.
It is going to take a long time to switch Egypt into a democracy.