Sometimes, it is precisely when you discover that you are living very happily that you suddenly find yourself in danger. To be happy means to discover that you are exposed to being hurt.
Clothes allow you to see yourself in a different light. They can transform you instantly and have a very real, visceral impact. Clothes become symbolic of who we are.
When something works for you or another brand, ask yourself, 'Why?' Then don't copy it but think about what you can do that's unique to you and better.
I like the idea that one thing leads to another. You can tweet something completely innocuous, and then find yourself going off on a tangent that's inspired by a response.
Be purposeful in your actions. Be mindful to keep your behavior in alignment with your goals. Remember, you can refine, improve, and enhance yourself; all other control is illusory.
When you put yourself in the customer’s shoes and begin your dialog from there, an immediate connection develops that stems beyond basic commerce and encourages loyalty.
If you argue with reality, you will only cause yourself pain. However if you accept reality and build on it, the things you create will be durable, true, and healing.
Bitterness and resentment are a bottomless well. They can only be healed by the phenomenon of someone else's sorrow rising to your level of pain... it never happens - save yourself endless hurt.
Keep your negativity to yourself. After watching you poison your own life with your opinions, I would be foolish to let you do the same to mine.
Learn to forgive others so that you can release yourself from being held captive by the very negative thoughts around you.
I have inherited my father's sense of humour about myself. It's a lot more pleasant to make fun of yourself than when someone else does.
If you're cast right you can actually just let yourself go because all your gestures will be right, all your intonations will be right because you just somewhere understand who this person is.
You have to look in the mirror and do one of two things; love or hate who you see. So, be good to yourself - it's all the esteem you have.
Fantasy and drama appeal to us. They are socially acceptable and make you feel good about yourself. Moreover, you get rewarded for being cleverly ignorant.
When I've worked with established artists, I've naturally been more restricted, but you still have to take risks and push yourself to do something different.
You may have to disappoint some people in order to be true to yourself. That's OK. Their disappointment has nothing to do with you.
Romance is important to me, and to have a romance with your husband takes a bit of doing. The key is to make sure your partner misses you. That means you have to take yourself away.
Preach the gospel to yourself, because as you consider who you are in light of God's perfect goodness, holiness and peace, you must soften toward others.
When you're in a situation, you can complain about it, you can feel sorry for yourself, you can do a lot of things. But how are you gonna make the situation better?
Feeling good about yourself is not the same thing as doing good. Good policy is more important than good feelings.
The horror aspect, the scary parts, are easy for me. I mean, I can get into that pretty easy, because I get scared. You have to invest yourself in these characters.