Are you sure/That we are awake? It seems to me/That yet we sleep, we dream
A Midsummer Night's DreamWell, I am sure, for we do not achieve this by ourselves, but by the strength of StarClan within us.
MoonriseI haven’t seen angels, but I am sure they are not as beautiful as you are.
A moment with God ; PoetryDo you believe in God, Venkat?” Mitch asked. “Sure, lots of ’em,” Venkat said. “I’m Hindu.
The MartianThe God that we commonly know may be less sinister than the true God that we don't know for sure.
Master of StupidityGod sure hadn't done His menfolk any favors when He's made women such a puzzlement.
A Match Made in TexasSmile, laugh, spread a little joy in someone's life, it surely come back on you in a good way.
Life in Color