We are here predominantly to support independent filmmakers and their needs. We are also here to assist people actually in their production, non-commercial people in their production.
♥♀♥ Let Us Nuture And Support Our *Girls* Of This World And Beyond!?! Because; As You Know, They Grow Up To Be The Angelic Beings We Know As: ~WoMen~ ♥♀♥
My grandmother always came to my shows. She was always concerned about the way I dressed - even later on, when I was well known and I supported her.
Americans are very patriotic and they want someone to support. In order to entice more fans, and to allow F1 to compete with Nascar and IndyCar, there needs to be an American driver.
Having been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998, and I am continually amazed by the level of support I receive from individuals across the country.
Both during the elections and as Prime Minister, I have repeatedly and publicly said that I support the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel.
The trade unions and the Labour Party... failed miserably. Instead of giving concrete support, and calling upon workers to take industrial action, they did nothing.
America's can-do spirit cast a warm glow across nations and cultures, generating more goodwill and support for our country's ideals and causes than had otherwise been possible.
Hollywood has known this for quite a while: Cable is the place to go because they truly have a supportive network and they want to do things that cannot be seen on broadcast. That stimulates the writer-producer. Cable is king.
I describe in 'Chimpanzee Politics' how the alpha male needs broad support to reach the top spot. He needs some close allies and he needs many group members to be on his side.
The battle in American politics used to be for the middle. Now, it's all about the building and the intensity of support on the far left and far right wings of both parties. And we have forgotten about the people here in the middle.
A wise nation should cultivate a political spirit that allows opponents to cooperate without fearing an automatic execution from their core supporters. Who knew that the real rogues in American politics would be the ones who dare to get along?
If you look just at the decades after 1934, you know it's hard to point to really inspired and positive support from outside of Haiti, to Haiti, and much easier to point to either small-minded or downright mean-spirited policies.
And in English Canada, no one really knows where the support is coming from, but Conservatives would assume that it's bleeding from the Liberals. So we have a divided left in Canada.
And from the moment that we realized it was a terrorist attack, there isn't an agent or a support person in the FBI that wasn't committed to bringing to justice those who were responsible for this.
I'm very much in support of the free press, but the free press ought to be educational and informative. And I believe they have fallen down recently on that.
As a person, I'm pretty much the same except that I've come to terms with who my real friends and supporters are. I don't get particularly friendly with new people at first go.
Well the appeals happening because we believe the certification process uh, hasn't worked out the way it should, that there hasn't been substantial evidence to support their certification.
I probably will have to become more political down the road when my playing days are done, because I'm going to have to have the support of others to grow my foundation.
I'm sorry I'm not gay or Jewish, so I don't have a special interest group of journalists that support me.
However, it may occur that we will find ourselves using a variety of fuel sources to give us the energy we need support our lifestyles and boost our economy.