I grew up reading comic books. Super hero comic books, Archie comic books, horror comic books, you name it.
Tea! That's all I needed! Good cup of tea! Super-heated infusion of free-radicals and tannin, just the thing for healing the synapses.
As London is suddenly promoted as a super-wealth brand, the England outside London shivers beneath cutbacks, tight circumstances and economic disasters.
My brothers and I always did improv stuff in our basement with our friends; we're super nerds, and that was our way of spending a Friday night.
I run away from super-bandage-style Herve Leger dresses. I think it's sexier for a woman to be in something sheer and loose.
I used to be super trendy and totally sexy. But I look back now and I used to want everything short and low cut and you really can't do it all.
I was raised in a super-sheltered atmosphere where we didn't watch anything besides Trinity Broadcasting Network - which was called TBN - or the Fox News channel.
I don't get to go to the super fancy stores unless I am in L.A. so you stay pretty real and normal that way.
I am super proud of being an American, but we fail our veterans every day.
Don't give in to all the cliques and popularity. It means nothing. I know super popular guys, and guess what? They're just normal people, too.
I was never like, 'Oh, I really want to play Cinderella.' That's not necessarily always been the dream. But it's super fun to play a princess.
If I had a crush on a guy, my tactic was to tell them I had a crush on them. And they always thought it was super-cute, so it usually worked in my favor!
Hollywood is portrayed in this super glamorous way, but when I see pictures of actresses going off the rails, it doesn't surprise me at all.
My father had a Super 8 camera when I was a kid and sometimes he would use it. I did some animation with it. I did a lot of flipbooks.
I think there's a lot of reasons for having an extended primary. I think super PACs play a role.
I wish to resist the temptation to kiss... By super magic animals (Song: The Temptation) A visual poem about unfulfilled love...
I get paid very well and am happy with what I make, but I'm not in the super-rich bracket. I shop in a supermarket like everyone else.
Laughter is the human super-highway to the heart. It bypasses, any yellow or red lights and proceeds straight to green. Go get to laughing!!!
When I was little, I wasn't so little. I had a big old round belly and I was really clumsy, but I was super confident.
Film has lost something in the translation to high tech. It's become so super-real. It's with digital this and stereo that, and everything's like a CD.
I think some people think I'm a smarty-pants. Some people think I'm intense, some people think I'm super-esoteric and nuts.