Jesse: Life's hard. It's supposed to be. If we didn't suffer, we'd never learn anything.
Before SunsetI wasn’t in the mood for a fight, but fights weren’t always conveniently scheduled. (Jessica)
Minutes Before SunsetI wasn’t sure what was worse: being oblivious or living within reality. (Eric)
Minutes Before SunsetEvery minute I decide not to kill you is a minute your life is saved. You owe me everything.
Sunrise that dilated moment after sunset when the sky holds all the light...
The Story of Edgar SawtelleI liked to count my blessings in a world where they were so few, and he was one of mine.
Sunrise SunsetIt's okay. We aren't in the same class. Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too.
The OutsidersWhy was he drawn to complicated women, or were all women--all people, finally--complicated?
West of Sunset