A man, any man, will go considerably out of his way to pick up a silver dollar; but here are golden words, which the wisest men of antiquity have uttered, and whose worth the wise of every succeeding age have assured us of; — and yet we learn to re...
Children are being killed, because some "adults" think life is a game. Something is amiss. When children shoot up other children in school, it's a national tragedy, and a week of mourning. When grown men are killing unarmed young, yes unarmed young, ...
if you do not share the universities' values, it could be a big mistake to send your children to college before they are intellectually and morally prepared for the indoctrination-rather-than-education they will receive there. Therefore, prepare them...
If we're open to it, God can use even the smallest thing to change our lives... to change us. It might be a laughing child, car brakes that need fixing, a sale on pot roast, a cloudless sky, a trip to the woods to cut down a Christmas tree, a school ...
NEW RULE: 'Kidiots' Leave the children behind. At least until they learn something. A new study has shown that half of American high schools agree that newspapers should only be able to publish government-approved material. Almost one out of five sai...
That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our colle...
Transfer must be the aim of all teaching in school - it is not an option - because when we teach, we can address only a relatively small sample of the entire subject matter. All teachers have said to themselves after a lesson "Oh, if only we had more...
My dad was always snoozing on the couch, like Dagwood Bumstead. He was a lazy motherfucker. God bless him. He was always working on some kind of get-rich-quick scheme. This is what my dad was like: I'd say, Hey, Dad, we studied penguins today in scho...
They were frisky, eager and exuberant, and they had all been friends in the States. They were plainly unthinkable. They were noisy, overconfident, empty-headed kids of twenty-one. They had gone to college and were engaged to pretty, clean girls whose...
Hoke Colburn: Oscar said you needin' somebody to drive for yo' family... now, what I'm 'on be doin'? Takin' your children to school, drivin' your wife to the beauty parlor? Boolie Werthan: I don't have any children. Don't have the time... Hoke Colbur...
Harry Callahan: You from around here? Gonzales: Yeah, but I went to school at San Jose State. Harry Callahan: You play ball? Gonzales: Uh, no, I boxed. Light heavyweight. Harry Callahan: Just what I need, it's a college boy. Gonzales: You haven't fou...
[During a bank heist, the Joker has tricked all his men into killing each other, one after the other. One of the last ones, getting wise, points his gun at another thug, who still has his mask on] Grumpy: I'm betting The Joker told you to kill me soo...
Galloway: Lieutenant, how long have you been in the Navy? Kaffee: Going on nine months now. Galloway: And how long have you been out of law school? Kaffee: A little over a year. Galloway: I see. Kaffee: Have I done something wrong? Galloway: No, it's...
Nemo: Hey dad! Maybe when I'm at school, I'll see a shark. Marlin: I highly doubt it. Nemo: Have how ever met a shark? Marlin: No, and I don't plan to. Nemo: How old are sea turtles? Marlin: Sea turtles? I don't know. Nemo: Sandy Plankton from next d...
Ferris: [his recorded message for the doorbell] Who is it? [pause] Ferris: Oh, I'm sorry. I can't come to the door right now. I'm afraid that in my weakened condition, I could take a nasty spill down the stairs and subject myself to further school ab...
Simon Bishop: Okay... What I do is, I watch. Ever watch somebody who doesn't know you're watching them? An old woman sitting on a bus? Or kids going to school? Somebody just waiting, and you see this flash come over them. And you know immediately tha...
Sam: Hey, I recognize you. Andrew Largeman: Oh, did you go to Columbia High? Sam: No, not from high school, from TV. Didn't you play the retarded quarterback? Andrew Largeman: Yeah. Sam: Are you really retarded? Andrew Largeman: No. Sam: Ooh, great j...
Andrew Largeman: Dude, we've been patient all day but it's my last day in town and you haven't told us what we're doing. I mean, if you had told me we'd be going on a six-hour scavenger hunt for blow I would've passed. Mark: Come on, please. If I was...
Andrew Largeman: They sent me to boarding school because they thought I might be dangerous. [mocking Sam] Andrew Largeman: Oh, are you freaked out? You're like so freaked out. You're like running for the door. You can go, it's okay, don't feel bad. S...
Uncle Vernon: You bring her back! You bring her back now, you put her right! Harry: No! She deserved what she got! Keep away from me. Uncle Vernon: You're not allowed to do magic outside of school. Harry: Yeah? Try me. Uncle Vernon: They won't take y...
Harry: You remember the one I said that got away, yeah well that one was her. It all came flooding back how I was the one she confided in, the one she trusted, meanwhile she was doing every other guy in school. It was the first time I felt it, how pi...