My teachers probably tried to get me interested in other things at school, but I was very young when I decided that I wanted to act. By the time I was 12, I was hell-bent on it.
My interest in theatre started in high school, mostly because my dean forced me to do it. I was creating trouble in the hallways, so he demanded that I do something with my spare time.
In high school, I did a little track and field and ran on my own. In college, I would run every now and again, but I didn't have enough time to be devoted to it.
My father left school at 14, my mother at 13. My father was clever and well-read. He took a newspaper, always watched the news, discussed it all the time.
And I can relate to that, because I went to an all white school, so I knew what that was like. And it was hard at the time, but anything that's difficult you learn from, don't you?
You can meet a young person who goes to school and is really enthusiastic, but if a sufficiently strong personality convinces them that this is a waste of time, that person might flunk out.
I was a friend during school time, but not much after that. By the time I got to BYU, I was a social mess, an absolute misfit. There is not a shyer, more pathetic kid who stepped on that BYU campus than me.
Too many pupils at schools in the U.K. want to have careers as footballers or TV hosts, or models, because that's what they're constantly exposed to as the heroes of our time.
I can tell you where I was when Kennedy was shot - which was in the common room at school. I heard about it on the old valve radio. At the time of Armstrong's landing, I was at university rehearsing a play.
I think everyone's intentions are to become a performer at first. But by the time I was in high school and college, I discovered that I liked writing and that I was probably a little better at it.
My parents both worked full time. I remember a lot of simple meals. Everything I know about cooking is self-schooled.
When it was availed to me that I had free time, I chose to go to cooking school every day, six hours a day, like a diploma program. I wanted to learn something new.
Schools must stop being holding pens to keep energetic young people off the job market and off the streets. We stretch puberty out a long, long time.
Ralphie as Adult: [narrating] Getting ready to go to school was like getting ready for extended deep-sea diving.
Simone: You act like you're so oppressed. You guys are kings of the school. What are you bitching about?
Kitty Farmer: [to Karen Pomeroy] Excuse me. You need to go back to grad school.
Tito: Nobody cares what I do. Why should I bother coming to school?
Phil Wenneck: [a kid tries to ask him a question at school] It's the weekend, Budnick. I don't know you. You do not exist.
Merle Webb: Let's win this game for all the small schools that never had a chance to get here.
Cadet School Principal: Who wants to be like ex-cadet Yan? Young Lau Kin Ming: I do.
Tom Reagan: You can't hijack me, Tic-tac, we're on the same side now. Or didn't you get that far in school?