This inhuman place makes human monsters.
The eternal wave of hate never stops.
Beauty is an inner light that shines on the outside.
You have to let your light shine.
I love scary movies. The Shining and Don't Look Now are two of the best.
A person cannot shine light if he is afraid of the dark.
Ultimately not one amongst us Will ever be denied that, The glimmer of a chance to shine.
Please, sit in my sky and let me polish your shine.
Maturity dare to be the first to shine as a light in the dark.
You are born to shine. Carry your light everywhere you go.
Some boats are rotten in the ports; some boats shine in the hard journeys!
I'm your knight in shining armor. I'm here to save you from Linkin Park.
Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.
It's okay to be a glowstick because sometimes we need to break before we shine.
God shall shine through the person you are and not the mistakes you made.
Also there is a similitude of a Trinity shining in the body, soul and spirit.
You have the power to motivate and inspire. Let your enthusiasm shine.
Your own need to be shines out of any dream or creation you imagine.
You read a million scripts during pilot season, and most of them are not very good, so the good ones really shine.
Jack Torrance: [smashing the door to bits with an axe] Wendy, I'm home.
Wendy Torrance: I can't get out! I can't get out! Run! Run!