It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
His eyes ignited into a color found only in the heart of the sun. ‘‘Yes?’’ ‘‘Yes, already. I’ll marry you. Yes. Hell, yes. What am I, stupid?
This great handsomeness I took into myself later when he desired me, but I took it as one breathes air, or swallows a snowflake, or yields to the sun.
This far north the sun was still up, although very low, riding through the mountains as if looking for something it lost on the ground.
The sun had burned through and the day had gone from dull to dazzling, yet in the west blask-satin thunderheads continued to stack up. It was as if night has burst a blood-vessel in the sky over there.
Be in it to win it. As long as the sun shine's so can you. Your best days are foreword ahead and never behind!
Accept the past and move on. Your time is patiently waiting for you, right there beyond the sun ✌️
Whoso meditates on the Omniscient, the Ancient, more minute than the atom, yet the Ruler and Upholder of all, Unimaginable, Brilliant like the Sun, beyond the reach of darkness.
Grandma's house had the atmosphere of a Tupperware box left out in the sun. Like a tropical flower, she had to be kept warm and moist at all times, or she would wilt and die.
Life seemed ideal to him right then, and he was happy for the first time in a long time, and it felt like the sun was shining from his heart." - from the novel Brainjob by David Sloma.
Because beautiful things, even when they are temporary, still manage to leave a part of their beauty with you…even after they’re long gone.
The Buddha-nature which is ours from the very beginning is like the sun which emerges from the clouds, or like a mirror which, when rubbed, regains its original purity and clarity. (217)
Being a professional writer is a lot like being a hooker. You'd better find out if you're any good at it before you start charging for it.
The sky is blue today, Max, and there is a big long cloud, and it's stretched out, like a rope. At the end of it, the sun is like a yellow hole. . .
Dor woke again as dawn came. The sun had somehow gotten around to the east, where the land was, and dried off so that it could shine again.
I'm a dad, and I no longer see a way for my kids to even inherit the money that I'm making, let alone go out there, have an idea, and create it in their own lifetime.
I'm awake as soon as the sun crests the eastern hills. I guess I'm motivated because I love just about everything about my life - the writing, the many critters, the art, and all the rest.
First smile!! An unseasonal little shower of rain fell here, and a lot of butterflies drowned, so we put them in the sun and they came back to life, and flew up and then Agaat SMILED!
It is more or less a given that nothing is less favorable to clairvoyance than the bright sun: physical light and mental light coexist on very poor terms.
Doubt thou the stars are fire Doubt thou the sun doth move Doubt truth to be a liar But never doubt I love
She pulls her hand away and Damian feels the sensation of falling, a somersault into a foreign abyss where a girl with eggplant hair and a hoop in her brow waits in the darkness.