The romance of travel wasn't always terribly evident to those who were actually experiencing it.
One Summer: America, seemed marriage by its very design was meant to seek out love and destroy it.
The Lost Summer of Louisa May AlcottWe are all dying one by one. We all smell of mortality, and we can't wash it off.
The Summer Without MenI was supposed to write a romantic comedy, but my characters broke up.
The Second Summer of the SisterhoodOld Monk: Lust awakens the desire to possess. And that awakens the intent to murder.
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and SpringTom: My name's Tom. Girl at Interview: [shaking hands] Nice to meet you. I'm Autumn.
(500) Days of SummerTom: Either she's an evil, emotionless, miserable human being, or... she's a robot.
(500) Days of Summer