Everyone takes pause at 40. It's the age you have to assess everything in your life. It's the fictitious marker that's always coming up when you're young. The world really does look at you to kind of have it together by 40, and be successful by 40. W...
Gather the best you have to offer and create a heartfelt, prosperous life full of purpose.
Don't take it personal. Whether people like or dislike you, it most probably is because of your beliefs, principles, and values...
More than the clarity we need to have about what MUST change, we need to have even more clarity about what MUST NOT change...
The few people who earned my respect are those who are predictable in their character but totally unpredictable the way they think!
The starting place for your greatness is desire. The desire to succeed, to serve others, to keep on going no matter what; the desire to...
True determination is betting on your solemn decision regardless of the gloomy realities surrounding the thing you resolved to pursue.
Carefully guard your true self. Let no mistake or error you commit create doubt in you and who you truly are.
Until the ego dissolves or evolves to become one with our true self, we remain slaves of our own egos.
Wisdom teaches you when to use your discretion- with whom, what, and when to share your feelings and discernments...
Don't confuse your mentor with your buddies. Unlike the latter, your mentor isn't contented with where you're in life right now...
Your mind is working on your future based on a suggestion. The question is on whose suggestion it's working on: Yours or others?
Your track record, and great achievements may prompt people to invest their resources such as time and money, not their heart.
Everyday heroism is all about doing what we ought to on a daily basis and regardless of the tons of pressures that come on our way.
Honesty doesn't mean you reveal everything you discern and feel. That is why we have the word discretion...
It is an illusion to worry about pride without having those things that may predispose someone to fall into the trap of pride...
You can't train people loyalty. A person with loyalty is a great asset than a smart but disloyal one...
A winning mindset can transform an underdog into a champion, conqueror, and achiever. You’re a mindset away from winning your battles!
Here is a paradox: People who think imperfect are closer to perfection than their counterparts who claim that they're perfect or closer...
When someone respects you, s/he confronts you in private before taking you in public and/or stabbing in the back and backbiting you...
The best revenge to get on your distractors is taking the high road. Avoid playing their game, following their murky rules.