Whatever success I've had, I always like to top it.
To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail.
My son gave me the permission to accept my success.
It is only the cynicism that is born of success that is penetrating and valid.
To do a common thing uncommonly well brings success.
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
People think I should be a success, but I'm afraid of it.
Success makes you less intimidated by things.
Be careful of success; it has a dark side.
There is no success without hardship.
I have no inflated ideas about success anyway.
Hopefully I'll continue to have the success I've had.
How success changes the opinion of men!
Failure is a success if you learn from it.
Patriotism is the secret resource of a successful society.
A fear of losing, of failure is a fear of success.
The soul is trapped by the personality/ego.The personality/ego has to have a shift of a higher self-worth, then and only then, can the personality/ego can act on what the soul is saying." Serena Jade
No obstacle is so big that one person with determination can't make a difference.
When I look in the mirror, I see not only the person I am, but the person I could be. The person I could be is clean-shaven, and I like him better than me.
Would you marry you? Be the right person before seeking the right person. Solomon's bride is carefully chosen for the good of his family, for the good of his kingdom. pg 9
Though the 'Thou' is not an 'It', it is also not "another 'I'". He who treats a person as "another 'I'" does not really see that person but only a projected image of himself. Such a relation, despite the warmest "personal" feeling is really 'I'-'It'.