When you stop grabbing for things, sometimes the world just hands them to you, instead. Focusing on others is true success.
Best practices are particularly valuable to those who are unfamiliar with email’s unique, often confusing rules.
The on-brand execution of best practices tailored to your unique audience is what leads to the best execution.
Best practices are those practices that generally produce the best results or minimize risk.
Male egos require constant stroking. Every task is an achievement, every success epic. That is why women cook, but men are chefs: we make cheese on toast, they produce .
His air of failure had nothing desperate about it; rather, it seemed to stem from an unresented realisation that he was not cut out for success, and his duty was therefore to ensure only that he failed in the correct and acceptable fashion.
Big oaks grow from small acorns, and activity is a precursor to accomplishment. You don't think yourself into success.
To lead a successful life, then, it's a good idea to work out what you really want. Then get together some plans. Then set some goals.
If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that registered earthquakes ten th...
Gold was not sure of many things, but he was definite about one: for every successful person he knew, he could name at least two others of greater ability, better, and higher intelligence who, by comparison, had failed.
Prior preparation is Success divided by half. Once you have fully prepared, every hand glove that obstacles wear to pull you away from reaching your destination will become slippery!
To become greater in anything you can do, prepare to be a rejecter of everything that you cannot do. Neglect whatever activities that do not contribute to your success and you will never regret the path you select!
Watch your time; keep your eyes on your talents. Set your goals and move into action. You owe the world an birth of success; Go, begin to labour for it now!
Thinking is free, planning is also free, but action taking is not free; you have a price to pay. Success is not luck; it demands work... hard work of course!
Gone are the days when success depends on how you use your muscle tissues. In this 21st century, your brain cells must work more than your muscle tissues!
Your true love for God is demonstrated through your ability to hold onto your faithfulness in the midst of Prosperity and Poverty, Happiness and Hardships, Sickness and Success; in whatever is Appealing or Appalling!
Football teams that lost their matches can have many other chances to play in successive seasons; but a soul that is lost through death may not have the chance to justify its potential again!
You keep your followers confused when you begin very well and give up too early... Suspense is useful in movies, but useless when writing your success stories!
Before you think of asking for support from someone for the success your dreams, ask yourself "how much of what I have can I invest?" Help yourself first!
You are like a global market. You can't hide yourself from global customers! Make a global exposure of your dreams and you will achieve global success!
A successful person's life is made up of a time when he gets out of bed, and a time he goes to bed; and in-between them is filled up with a time that he makes sure something definitely happened!