The true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success.
Immigrants provide skills that we simply cannot afford to do without. They have contributed hugely to Britain's success.
The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later.
The Sparks have always been committed to success and making the right moves to build upon their rich tradition in the WNBA.
I applaud President Obama for launching his 'My Brother's Keeper' initiative that is aimed to empower our youth to achieve success.
I think the measure of your success to a certain extent will be the amount of things written about you that aren't true.
Writing tends to be very deliberate. A novelist could probably run a military campaign with some success. They could certainly run a country.
I don't measure my success anymore by the Grammys. I can't because I'll just end up crushed.
For an actress to be a success, she must have the face of a Venus, the brains of a Minerva, the grace of Terpsichore, the memory of a MaCaulay, the figure of Juno, and the hide of a rhinoceros.
You never get time at Working Title, sadly, to enjoy any film's success, because you're worrying about the next lot.
Instead of this confusion, we need the unifying force of an official language, English, which is the language of success in America.
Honesty is the most single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final success of an individual, corporation, or product.
To me, the success of the cyberactivists in Tunisia is actually very interesting, because many of them explicitly rejected any support from Washington.
Not every difficult and dangerous thing is suitable for training, but only that which is conducive to success in achieving the object of our effort.
Entrepreneurs can't forecast accurately, because they are trying something fundamentally new. So they will often be laughably behind plan - and on the brink of success.
My father ran for Congress in 2004, and I got a sense that there is no way to achieve much success without a certain amount of compromise.
The delusions of self-love cannot be prevented, but intellectual misconceptions as to the means of achieving success may be corrected.
It is manifestly vital to the success of the anti-slavery cause, that the authority and influence of proslavery, especially of slaveholding, ministers should be destroyed.
Earn your success based on service to others, not at the expense of others.
I never had any real expectations about what sort of success I would have or all the publicity.
We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don't like?