By discovering how our minds work, we can improve our learning power and unlock our true potential.
Robert WinstonHappiness is nothing but a state of mind which only your thoughts and beliefs could place you in.
Edmond MbiakaNegative thoughts and beliefs absolutely don't belong in that amazing beautiful mind of yours.
Edmond MbiakaAny mind that lacks the spirit of gratitude knows nothing about the feeling of happiness.
Edmond MbiakaGreatness has never been a product of a mind that sees itself as being very unlucky in life.
Edmond Mbiaka,Grudges always bring negative feelings to any mind that opens its door for them to settle in.
Edmond MbiakaWhen there is no presence of self-love, the hunger for attention tends to take over one's mind
Edmond MbiakaGreat ideas without some consistent actions are nothing but some creative thoughts in one's mind.
Edmond Mbiaka