Competition is a rude yet effective motivation.
Provocation is on the opposite lane of resolution.
Holiness on earth is a spiritual fantasy.
Higher learning undergoes emotional pressure.
Nobody me without my enemy.
Mind easily mesmerized when frightened.
Deemed a fool is better than smartass.
Politics is applied anywhere, even in heaven.
Today wouldn't have happened if histories weren't falsified.
Niggard prefers mistake rather than loss.
UFO is a joke when there ain't mystery in the sky.
Pick a truth that blesses your life!
Only the winner and coward may survive.
Apakah mereka yang terlahir makmur.. layak untuk berbicara tentang perang?
Time flies when you’re being stupid.
Stupid fate, you suck ass.
Stupidity is the chlorine that cleans out the gene pool.
Governments can do both great and stupid things.
I had this talent for these stupid little teenage songs.
When you are young, you do a lot of stupid things.
I may be plucky, but I am not stupid.