I don't like bullshit and pretense. I can't enjoy the joy at church... without some cash in my wallet.
Heaven doesn't only teach humans about virtue and divinity. It also shows us about politics and corruption; and that's a fact.
Youngsters want to change world. Elders want to enjoy their works. The entrepreneur sells anything needed by both to win their desires.
If we're told that human ain't the highest among creatures, then it'd be difficult to raise human dignity into current level.
I have a dream, there will be critical point in the future, where economics and technology will negate each other.
If you escape from a necessary fight, pray you will live long enough to wait for and deal with the same challenge that must be settled.
Free-will followers should learn more about "somebody's bitch". Predestination followers should learn more about "sexual fantasy.
If you violate laws of God, you're a sinner. If you violate laws of men, you're a criminal. If you violate your own laws, you're pathetic.
By having good memories on every place you just visit, you are building paradise in your own heart and your life.
Why do you hate me so much? To be honest, I don't know why, but I really hate to feel this way.
If-Then" is a structured logic of humans' thought, who have memories and imagination in their mind. If both don't exist, Then this quote has never even been written.
You say that I'm nobody, and you agree that nobody's perfect. Based on logic, I'm a perfect person according to your opinion.
I've been through hell in this life, yet risen up and survived. I felt pity after heard that boy's preaching about motivation.
Eventually, there's certain limit in telling bare fact through words. It ain't about diction constraints, but common ability to understand.
She wasn't stupid. She just didn't want to put her neuron power into long sentences.
The condom broke. I know how stupid that sounds. It's the reproductive version of the dog ate my homework.
We all act crazy when we fall in love, stupid when we miss them, and insane when we lose them.
The human civilization has gone extremely so far; that in return, we have lost the line between stupidity and spirituality.
I didn’t say you weren’t smart. I said you were stupid.” “I guess I’m too dumb to see the difference.
But collective thinking is usually short-lived. We're fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction.
I can see us, living in the woods, her wearing that A, me with a S maybe, S for silent, S for stupid, for scared. S for silly. For shame.