There's pride and then there's stupidity.
I knew school was stupid since the fifth grade.
When I was labeled stupid, that scarred me forever.
Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.
Bravery is the stupidity of heart.
It's not that I'm stupid. I just don't think sometimes.
I like really stupid comedies.
The most stupid religion is Islam.
Love is being stupid together.
In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
a good woman was talked out of being with a good man and a good man talked himself out of being with that good woman because that good woman was talked out of being with that good man and so that good man stopped trying to be that good man and that g...
We are the most amazing creatures that this world has ever produced, but we seem to also have this herd mentality; we seem to be the most stupid, also.
Disinformation is duping. Misinformation is tricking.
Seriousness is stupidity sent to college.
Earnestness is stupidity sent to college.
Bravery is not an act of intelligence; it is just selfishness and stupidity.
Cruelty is the surest sign of stupidity.
Am I about to feel really, really stupid?
A bad man in Zion City is a good man in Chicago.
If the dog leads the man, the man is blind. If the man leads the dog, the man is married.
Genuinity is mother of stupidity.