Jacob: I'm wildly unhappy, and I'm trying to buy it, and it's not working.
Cal: [standing in the rain after Emily argues with him] What a cliché.
[flashback] Santino: Whatcha go to college? To get stupid? You're really stupid!
The definition of a stupid thing is something that if you do everything right, you still get hurt. Fire-eating and love are stupid things.
Again, if I was going to call Romney and the Republicans stupid, I'm certainly not going to call the Democrats and President Obama stupid.
The real war is not between the West and the East. The real war is between intelligent and stupid people.
Don’t do anything stupid.' 'Don’t worry,' I whispered over the line, 'I’m an expert on stupid.' 'You’re...' 'Like, I can spot stupidity, because I know it so well. The way an exterminator knows bugs really well, and can spot where they’ve b...
Then, one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...you give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own a...
No matter how high are one's estimates of human stupidity, one is repeatedly and recurrently startled by the fact that: a) people whom one had once judged rational and intelligent turn out to be unashamedly stupid. b) day after day, with unceasing mo...
Robbie: You wanna talk about The Scarlet Letter, Ms. Tafferty? All right. Well, the A they're both wearing - I think it stands for "asshole." Wanna know why? Because they fell in love and love is for stupid assholes. And this book is just about a bun...
Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently, weak people love weakly, stupid people love stupidly, but the love a free man is never safe.
Angelo was a grown man, and here was one thing he was quite free to decide for himself, and yet he was ready to let others make up his mind for him...that could only be stupidity.
I didn't want to be the woman who gave herself over willingly to the first man to notice her. I didn't want to be the stupid girl in every novel who loved without question and entered relationships that didn't make sense.
We owe a huge debt to Galileo for emancipating us all from the stupid belief in an Earth-centered or man-centered (let alone God-centered) system. He quite literally taught us our place and allowed us to go on to make extraordinary advances in knowle...
Yet the stupid believe they are awake, busily and brightly assuming they understand things, calling this man ruler, that one herdsman – how dense! Confucius and you are both dreaming! And when I say you are dreaming, I am dreaming, too. Words like ...
Heartbreak was the worst. It was worse than a cord wrapped around the wheel on you computer chair.
Feelings are never stupid, they just make us feel stupid sometimes.
You looked a little bit smarter when your stupidity lessened a lot.
I'm always surprised when the corporate world does stupid things, because they're often not very stupid in hindsight.
My working hypothesis is that stupidity in popular culture is a constant. Popular culture cannot get more stupid.
I try not to worry about what that's going to look like. If you worry about looking stupid, that's when you look really stupid.