I cannot count the good people I know who, to my mind, would be even better if they bent their spirits to the study of their own hungers.
Coffee is for lovers. So if you don’t drink coffee, you must be asexual, and I’d love to study your mating ritual.
Because sometimes the best leaders are the ones who have no interest in leading. Those are often the ones who are most interested in doing what is right, not what is popular.
I love you more than songs can say, but I can't keep running after yesterday...
Wisdom is nothing more than confirmed imagination: just because one did not study for his exam does not mean that he should leave it blank.
Joel, lad, school is about learning to learn. If you don't practice studying things you don't like, then you'll have a very hard time in life.
Your life can be different, Young Ju. Study and be strong. In America, women have choices.
The best practice is to be around people who absolutely disagree. Grace in conflict is a study in love.
Of course, you didn't want our help. Now I have to go beat up some soldier just to keep my ego intact.
Your fear remains strong. You are not ready to face your story, preferring instead to surround yourself with knots. Someday, they will strangle you.
The girl in your class who suggests that this year the Drama Club put on will be a thorn in people's sides all of her life.
The study of thinking machines teaches us more about the brain than we can learn by introspective methods. Western man is externalizing himself in the form of gadgets.
The purpose of having the orphans study all these diverse fields was not for them to just become geniuses, but to become polymaths – meaning they would be geniuses in a wide variety of fields.
Truth gains more even by the errors of one who, with due study and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think…
Life Is ‘Simple’ By Nature... The deeper you try to study, the more you complicate it. Just believe in it’s simplicity & it shall show you it is far too Simple actually!
I really should be studying now, but you're much more important to me than a .50 calibre machine gun.
I try to think up material that might apply to the subjects they are studying. How many mitochondria does it take to power a cell? One. Because mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. Not ready for prime time, that one.
If you work hard and study hard. And you fuck up. That's okay. If you fuck up and you fuck up, then you're a fuckup
If ants had a language they would, no doubt, call their anthill an artifact and describe the brick wall in its neighborhood as a object. in fact would be for them all that was not 'ant-made'.
If you desire it, you must punish yourself for the sake of learning, seek every advantage in keeping up with the other clerks and in excelling them. You must study with the fervor of the blessed or the cursed.
How deep congenital sex-inversion roots may be gathered from the fact that the pleasure-dream of the male Urning has to do with male persons, and of the female with females.