I think the materialist conception of history is valid.
Billions of people have seen and been influenced by movies in the short history of this industry.
If I don't tell it all now, the story in the history books will always be imperfect and that would be wrong.
As a matter of history, the Fourteenth Amendment was not understood to ban segregation on the basis of race.
And thus goes segregation which is the most far-reaching development in the history of the Negro since the enslavement of the race.
The 2000 election exposed some ugly history in our country.
I hope to make the most expensive movie in history at some point!
No harm's done to history by making it something someone would want to read.
You can't be a full participant in our democracy if you don't know our history.
I do not speak Hebrew, but I understand that it has no word for 'history.' The closest word for it is memory.
Feminists are in an untenable position, defending something they no longer believe in, and which history will force them to recognize was destructive of most of the central pillars of civilization. I'm just the first one to point it out publicly.
Poles must understand history but we must also overcome it if it is obstructing our contemporary goals.
Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.
We are still living in the aftershock of Hiroshima, people are still the scars of history.
If privacy ends where hypocrisy begins, Kitty Kelley's steamy expose is a contribution to contemporary history.
Wont to unlearn from history, we aptly repeat even its most brazen mistakes.
Without philosophy, history is always for me dead and dumb.
I'm a smart guy, I know the history of this issue and why people care about it.
There are several books out on punk history, but I haven't read any of them. I was there.
The thread of culture that runs through the entire history of punk is also a dedication to challenging the authoritarian.
Governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deducted from it.