For those scientists who take it seriously, Darwinian evolution has functioned more as a philosophical belief system than as a testable scientific hypothesis. This quasi-religious function of the theory is, I think, what lies behind many of the extre...
The whole message of the Course is: do not wait. In other words, salvation is offered to you this instant; be vigilant! Watch your mind. Be as attentive as you can this very instant. And the Course does not give specifics, like if this arises, do tha...
Now, as it happens, theology is actually a pitilessly demanding discipline concerning an immense, profoundly sophisticated legacy of hermeneutics, dialectics, and logic; it deals in minute detail with a vast variety of concrete historical data; over ...
Each time we check a Twitter feed or Facebook update, we encounter something novel and feel more connected socially (in a kind of weird impersonal cyber way) and get another dollop of reward hormones. But remember, it is the dumb, novelty-seeking por...
Ray Arnold: [trying to bring the system back on-line] Access main program. Access main security. Access main program grid. [the computer denies him finally saying, "You didn't say the magic word!"] Dennis Nedry: [on computer] Uh uh uh! You didn't say...
Sonmi-451: That ship... that ship must be destroyed. Hae-Joo Chang: Yes. Sonmi-451: The systems that built them must be turned down. Hae-Joo Chang: Yes. Sonmi-451: No matter if we're born in a tank or a womb, we are all Pureblood. Hae-Joo Chang: Yes....
Flanagan: Fucking black people, huh? Graham: What did you just say? Flanagan: I mean, I know all the sociological reasons why, per capita eight times more black men are incarcerated than white men... Schools are a disgrace, lack of opportunity, bias ...
Ron Woodroof: I still got HIV? Dr. Vass: You will always test positive for HIV. And now you've got AIDS for all the toxic shit you've put in your body. You've shut your immune system and now you've got chronic leumonia, among other things. It could c...
Joyce Cooper: Fascist! Nicholas Angel: I beg your pardon? Joyce Cooper: [doing a crossword puzzle] System of government categorized by extreme dictatorship. Seven across. Nicholas Angel: Actually that's fascism. Joyce Cooper: Fascism! Wonderful. Nich...
Elastigirl: This is the right hangar, but I don't see any jets. Mr. Incredible: A jet's not fast enough. Elastigirl: What's faster than a jet? Dash: Hey, how about a rocket? Elastigirl: Great. I can't fly a rocket. Violet: You don't have to. Use the ...
Reg: All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us? Attendee: Brought peace? Reg: Oh, peace - shut up! Reg: There ...
Francis: We're gettin' in through the underground heating system here, up through into the main audience chamber here, and Pilate's wife's bedroom is here. Having grabbed his wife, we inform Pilate that she is in our custody and forthwith issue our d...
Herb Brooks: All-star teams fail because they rely solely on the individual's talent. The Soviets win because they take that talent and use it inside a system that's designed for the betterment of the team. My goal is to beat 'em at their own game. L...
[after landing the Nebuchaunezzer to hide from the Sentinels] Morpheus: How we doing Tank? [Tank types on the keyboard and the main power goes off] Tank: Main power offline. EMP armed... [Tank opens the cover to the EMP switch] Tank: and ready. Neo: ...
Linguini: [to Remy] Okay, so let's think this out. You know how to cook, and I know how to... appear human. We just need to work out a system so that I do what you want, in a way that doesn't look like I'm being controlled by a tiny rat chef - oh wil...
Governor Tarkin: The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away forever. General Tagge: But that...
Connor: We haven't really got a system of deciding who, Roc. It's, uh... Rocco: Me! *Me*! I'm the guy! I know everyone! Their habits, who they hang out with, who they talk to! I've got phone numbers, addresses! I know who they're fucking! I know wher...
Why do you like show jumping?" "... Beauty and excitement. The elements of trust, talent, training, love, and danger make show jumping a thrilling and aesthetic experience. It's really the ultimate test of two nervous systems--the kinetic transfer of...
It was strange to see the keenness with which men had tried to order, constrain, and systematize human passions, jealousy, rage, violent death, accusations. That was the justice system (...): the absurd pretension that human nature could be dominated...
Now we, if not in the spirit, have been caught up to see our earth, our mother, Gaia Mater, set like a jewel in space. We have no excuse now for supposing her riches inexhaustible nor the area we have to live on limitless because unbounded. We are th...
On a Wednesday morning in mid-June, Eli Sharpe was sitting at his desk treating jetlag with strong coffee when he heard a knock on his apartment door. After a second, more insistent knock, he added a dash of George Dickel to his Folgers and hid the p...