Always think twice before you decide to do anything for a film. It may seem like a career-changing idea, but think of your family and your future before doing anything risky. Train properly, because looking strong and being strong are two different t...
The Big Lebowski: Are you surprised at my tears, sir? The Dude: [Smoking a joint] Dude, fuckin' A! The Big Lebowski: Strong men also cry... strong men also cry.
Be Strong , Have Faith and Always Smile .
In America, you don't have to be weak, you have to be strong.
I grew up in a strong family; we had strong family bonds.
Life is full of happiness and tears; be strong and have faith.
I love strong women, not only in life but in craft.
I love collaborating with strong women.
These are the days for strong men to courageously expose wrong.
A strong attack is half the battle won.
My colors ran all over the page, poured out of the lines and meshed together to form colors no one had yet recognized. I was different–unique, bold, strong, smart, and hard-headed. I was simply me.
Species do not grow more perfect: the weaker dominate the strong again and again - the reason being they are the great majority, and they are also cleverer.... Darwin forgot the mind (- that in English): the weak possess more mind. ... To acquire min...
Institutions are lengthening shadows of strong individuals.
To know intense joy without a strong bodily frame, one must have an enthusiastic soul.
Sometimes, the common reason for fights in a strong relationship is only the lack of having attention from the loving one
Surfing is not my strong point. And... I don't really have a tan. I go to the tanning place, the one that sprays you with color.
Just because one of your films does well at the box office, that doesn't make you a good person. It doesn't make you strong, smart, or secure, either.
My character has always been important to me. That was the one thing that I knew, no matter what, I had to hold that strong.
We are, of course, now against any other group burning Qurans. We would right now ask no one to burn Qurans. We are absolutely strong on that. It is not the time to do it.
We are still keeping, as much as we can to the one million commitment that we made, hoping that at a certain point in time, the headwinds represented by the strength of the yen will be a little bit less strong.
I wanted to get a taste of what it would feel like to be a mum. I've always had a strong maternal instinct and ideally I would love one of my own.