Back when I was a competitive swimmer, I used to dream of going to the Olympics. But then I changed my mind, once I found out how expensive the tickets are.
Too many people were obsessed with their heads and were alienated from their bodies, Perls believed, adding: “We have to lose our minds and come to our senses.
Teachers are wonderful beings who inspire the spirit and open the mind. Nobody at Padua High School fits that description.
It's up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.
Don't be so quick to count out the teenagers. Some of the world's greatest changes, brilliant poetry, and innovations have come from the teenage mind.
My fingers itched to touch, my lips begged to taste and my body buzzed with a frenzied energy, but my mind screamed to move far away from him fast.
Where's Kahn?" "In bed. You don't mind if I pet your little pink kitty? Do you?" I chuckled, "You mean my HOT DIGGITY DOG.
If my mind cannot be tied down, if my dreams cannot be diminished, then no amount of restraints can really guarantee my quiet submission.
In a matter of moments, I awakened to a life that wasn’t mine. It was like peering into a dark hidden world that I wasn’t supposed to know about and that my mind didn’t want to believe existed.
Realizing your true self apart from the mind-created ego self is profoundly liberating, and when you do, suddenly the universe appears immensely blissful.
...returning to nature has been a dream present in the minds of every generation since mankind first left nature.
The first thing that came to mind was an angel. Her hair flowing and shiny. Her legs dangling, long and smooth. She looked perfect where she was, like a painting. And then I remembered that Satan was also an angel.
The truth is that most of life will unfold in accordance with forces far outside your control, regardless of what your mind says about it.
Eventually you will see that the real cause of problem is not life itself. It's the commotion the mind makes about life that really causes the problems.
Of course, some might argue that one can never know what's in the heart of a woman— For they are strange and mysterious creatures,and a man must be a mind reader if he ever wishes to make them happy.
Scientific People, unscientific mind; why are we dividing the world which could shine? Between religion and science, all what matters is human lives.
Our minds of infinite possibilities have been plowed, seeded and cultivated by every word, institution and sacred belief we hold dear, to produce a foul harvest of exclusion, apathy, brute domination and death.
He didn't mind how he looked to other people, because the nursery magic had made him Real, and when you are Real shabbiness doesn't matter.
We felt the imprisonment of being a girl, the way it made your mind active and dreamy, and how you ended up knowing which colors went together.
Taught from their infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison.
Facebook is that successful guy you’re supposed to want to date, but you can’t keep your mind off the beautiful freak in the corner. Twitter is my freak.