Sim Carstairs: Ten year I been ferryin' Kansas Redlegs, Union cavalry, Missouri guerillas... you name it. Mad dogs them guerillas. You look sideways at 'em... [snaps a rope like a noose] Sim Carstairs: they kill ya. Carpetbagger: Sound like hard men ...
Jellon Lamb: Forgive me, sir, but I've been stuck here with no one but this sorry sack of Hibernian pig shit for conversation. Poor, poor Dan O'Reilly. Sit, sir. Drink with me. [Charlie cocks his gun and points it to Lamb] Charlie Burns: One more cra...
The Count: To all our listeners, this is what I have to say - God bless you all. And as for you bastards in charge, don't dream it's over. Years will come, years will go, and politicians will do fuck all to make the world a better place. But all over...
Patton: Men, all this stuff you've heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans traditionally love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. When you were kids, you all admir...
Colonel Yu: [about warlord] He said no. Walter Fane: He doesn't speak any English, does he? Colonel Yu: [shrug] Walter Fane: Tell him that's the most ridiculous suit that I've ever seen. Colonel Yu: This Doctor respects you greatly, and you are right...
Ed McDonnough: [sobbing] Turn to the right. H.I.: What's the matter, Ed? Ed McDonnough: My "fy-ance" left me. H.I.: [narrating] She said her fiancé had run off with a student cosmetologist, who knew how to ply her feminine wiles. H.I.: [out loud] Th...
Snow White: [Waking up] Oh, dear! I wonder if the children are. [Sees the dwarves peeking from the edge of the bed] Snow White: Oh! [the dwarves hide, then peek again] Snow White: Why. Why, you're little men. [the dwarfs look at each other, then reve...
Queen: All alone, my pet? Snow White: Why, why, yes, I am, but. Queen: Then the little men are not here? Snow White: No, they're not, but. Queen: Mmm, mm-hmm. [Sniffing] Queen: Baking pies? Snow White: Yes, gooseberry pie. Queen: It's apple pies that...
LaBoeuf: As I understand it, Chaney... or Chelmsford, as he called himshelf in Texas... shot the senator's dog. When the senator remonstrated, Chelmsford shot him as well. You could argue that the shooting of the dog was merely an instance of malum p...
Thomas Andrews: Mr. Lightoller, why are the boats being launched half full? Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller: Not now, Mr. Andrews. Thomas Andrews: Look, 20 or so in a boat built for 65? And I saw one boat with only 12, 12! Second Officer Ch...
Robert Hitchins: You don't understand. If we go back, they'll swamp the boat, they'll pull us right down, I'm tellin' you! Molly Brown: Knock it off. You're scaring me. C'mon girls! Grab an oar, let's go! Robert Hitchins: Are you out of your mind? We...
V: [during his BTN broadcast] I thought we could mark this November the 5th a day that is, sadly, a day that is no longer remembered by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are, of course, those who do not...
Pike Bishop: You boys want to move on or stay here and give him a... decent burial? Tector Gorch: He was a good man, and I think we oughta bury him. Pike Bishop: He's DEAD! And he's got a lot of good men back there to keep him company! Lyle Gorch: To...
Sean Cassidy: You truly believe I'll fly this time? Professor Charles Xavier: Unreservedly. Sean Cassidy: I trust you. Professor Charles Xavier: I'm touched. Sean Cassidy: [pointing at Hank] I don't trust him. Professor Charles Xavier: [to Hank] Say ...
Angel Salvadore: [Erik gives Angel a big tip] For that, daddy-o, you get a private dance. [In the private dance room] Angel Salvadore: You guys know it's a double for both, right? Professor Charles Xavier: Mmm, now that won't be necessary, although I...
Professor Charles Xavier: [after Charles and Hank apply a duct tape with an X Mark on it] Wonderful work, Hank. Alright Alex, I want you to hit the X. Just the X, keep that in mind. Alex Summers: [gets shocked] You SERIOUS? Professor Charles Xavier: ...
Rogue: The first boy I ever kissed ended up in a coma for three weeks. I can still feel him inside my head. It's the same with you. Wolverine: There's not many people that'll understand what you're going through. But I think this guy, Xavier, is one ...
Scott, Foreign Editor: It's a dangerous story for this paper. Ben Bradlee: How dangerous? Scott, Foreign Editor: Well, it's not that we're using nameless sources that bothers me. Or that everything we print, the White House denies. Or that no other p...
Carl Bernstein: I think it's Magruder. Bob Woodward: I think it's Magruder too. Carl Bernstein: Why do you think it's Magruder? Bob Woodward: Because he was second in command under Mitchell. Why do you think it's Magruder? Carl Bernstein: [Carl gets ...
Bob Woodward: Segretti crisscrossed the country, at least a dozen times. And always stayed in cities where there were Democratic primaries. Carl Bernstein: So if the break-in was just one incident in a campaign of sabotage that began a whole year bef...
Lt. General Frederick "Boy" Browning: Hello, Roy. How are you? Maj. General Roy Urqhart: I'm not sure I'll know for a while. But I'm sorry about how it turned out. Lt. General Frederick "Boy" Browning: You did all you could. Maj. General Roy Urqhart:...