Michael Corleone: Italian politics have had these men for centuries. They are the true Mafia.
The Godfather: Part IIISlevin: How do you get to two men that can't be gotten to? You get them to come to you.
Lucky Number SlevinTaka: Japanese men do not help with this Algren: [grabs firewood basket] I am not Japanese
The Last SamuraiGandalf: Three hundred lives of men I have walked this earth and now I have no time.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersArt: You-you-you realize this is an invitation to men in white suits with happy pills?
The Man from EarthNervous Accountant: Are you going to shoot me? Anton Chigurh: That depends. Do you see me?
No Country for Old MenWendell: That's very linear Sheriff. Ed Tom Bell: Well, age will flatten a man.
No Country for Old Men"Managerial" Victim #2: [Viewing the dead bodies in the desert] These are some ripe petunias!
No Country for Old MenEmma Newton: What does he do? Oh, he's just in business, you know, the way men are.
Shadow of a DoubtNefretiri: Oh, Moses, Moses, why of all men did I fall in love with a prince of fools?
The Ten Commandments