As with anything, you need to keep your creative juices flowing and keep the character interesting.
I'm interested in telling the character's story, not my beliefs, political or otherwise.
Some actors are brilliant character guys. They submerge.
The more you understand me, the less characters I can play.
I like playing flawed characters, people who aren't perfect.
You can't blame a writer for what the characters say.
I've played four characters now, my latest one being Sandor the gypsy.
Character and Professionalism can only be seen when faced with adversity…
Character is much easier kept than recovered.
I always think of the word 'abandonment' when I think of the character.
I try to always stretch myself to fit the characters that have been presented.
The way you handle your problems shows your character.
Life is but a play and we are merely the characters of our own scene.
I'm able to hang up the character with the costume at the end of the movie.
I enjoy being characters rather than myself.
There is a little bit of me infused in every character I play.
The highest qualities of character... must be earned.
We are masters of our characters and in turn, slaves of their outgrowth.
The whole point of taking a job is that you connect with a character or with an issue.
The real ornament of woman is her character, her purity.
I really believe that every character comes from the well of the artist.