Ah, Hope! what would life be, stripped of thy encouraging smiles, that teach us to look behind the dark clouds of today, for the golden beams that are to gild the morrow.
I love history because when you strip away the social and political aspects, it's really just a bunch of fun stories.
When I first drove my car down Sunset Strip, I nearly crashed my car gazing at the monolithic ads of various celebrities. They are bigger than King Kong, and more frightening.
We should declare war on North Vietnam. We could pave the whole country and put parking strips on it, and still be home by Christmas.
We must carefully consider card security solutions, such as adding photographs or machine-readable electronic strips, so to prevent further breaches of individual privacy that could result from changes to the design of Social Security Cards.
I definitely don't subscribe to the theory that more instruments, or more vocal tracks, harmony, or double tracking the voice, is a good thing. People do their early albums very stripped down, then each album becomes bloated.
Like, when I write a song, the song comes first before production. Everything is written on an acoustic guitar so you can strip away everything from it and have it be equally as entertaining and good without the bells and whistles.
I believe that government should confine itself to the public realm and that it should be as stripped down as possible, within reason. It should not be burdened by excess bureaucracy.
I started writing when I was 9 years old. I was like this weird kid who would just stay in my room, typing little funny magazines and drawing comic strips.
The relationship between Cathy and Mom in the strip is the one relationship drawn from real life that I have proudly never even tried to disguise.
Acting is not about dressing up. Acting is about stripping bare. The whole essence of learning lines is to forget them so you can make them sound like you thought of them that instant.
Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to "die before you die" --- and find that there is no death.
I never thought Cathy would get married in the comic strip. And I also thought I would never get married.
The Purpose of Philosophy is to fall in Love. To strip the world of all its clothes, and fall in Love with it as it stand before you completely naked.
I'm not always in a full face of make-up! That's actually one of the things I like about make-up - that you can strip it away and show your vulnerability.
My cartoon strips in college strived to have the Schulzian mix of surrealism and Charlie Brown angst. A bit of that combo shows up in 'Up.'
To strip a man of all loyalties but those to the state, makes him not only a worm but a monster, without a shred of humanity.
For too long, tricks and traps in mortgages, credit cards, and other financial transactions have stripped wealth from working families.
I always think the Sex Pistols and the Ramones as very, very important because they stripped things down.
The present is what is happening when you strip away all the resentments of your past and all the worries you have about your future.
Mark Van Doren: Cheating on a quiz show? That's sort of like plagiarizing a comic strip.