I want to learn how to speak to anyone at any time and make us both feel a little bit better, lighter, richer, with no commitments of ever meeting again. I want to learn how to stand wherever with whoever and still feel stable. I want to learn how to...
Up the coast a few miles north, in a lava reef under the cliffs, there are a lot of rock pools. You can visit them when the tide is out. Each pool is separate and different, and you can, if you are fanciful, give them names, such as George, Charlotte...
Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped into the next room I am I and you are you Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name, Speak to me in the easy way which you always used Put no difference in your ton...
I was Juliet and Quinn was Romeo, and the lines weren't dead black-and-white words on a page but somehow alive, as natural and real as the argument we'd had about the spider and the fly. The rows of empty seats were gone, and we were in a candlelit b...
No," he said, "look, it's very, very simple ... all I want ... is a cup of tea. You are going to make one for me. Keep quiet and listen." And he sat. He told the Nutri-Matic about India, he told it about China, he told it about Ceylon. He told it abo...
[Fox and Miranda come off the elevator at Wayne Enterprises, heading for a board meeting] Lucius Fox: I still don't see the need for a board meeting for the energy project. Miranda Tate: Bruce got a lot of things right. Keeping the board in the dark ...
Garbitsch: "Corona veniat electis." Victory shall come to the worthy. Today, democracy, liberty, and equality are words to fool the people. No nation can progress with such ideas. They stand in the way of action. Therefore, we frankly abolish them. I...
[first lines] Title Card: Robert Gould Shaw, the son of wealthy Boston abolitionists, was 23 years old when he enlisted to fight in the War Between the States. He wrote home regularly, telling his parents of life in the gathering Army of the Potomac....
Mayor: [speaking cordially with Madeline] I always have time to put on a tux and eat free food for a good cause. Who are saving this week? Madeliene White: Well, I'm doing a round of support for the Joseph Freidkin Memorial Fund for spinal cord resea...
Pippin: Gandalf, forgive me. Gandalf: Look at me. What did you see? Pippin: A tree. There was a white tree in a courtyard of stone. It was dead. The city was burning. Gandalf: Minas Tirith? Is that what you saw? Pippin: I saw... I saw him. I can hear...
Mr. Merriweather: You're improving Jack, you just can't seem to get rid of that streak of honesty in you. The one that ruined you was that damned Indian, Old Tepee. Jack Crabb: You mean Old Lodge Skins. Mr. Merriweather: He gave you a vision of moral...
[speaking to Billy Fish in Kafiri] Billy Fish: Ootah say take your pick. He have twenty three daughters. Danny: Those are his daughters? Why the dirty old beggar! Peachy Carnehan: Now, now Danny. Different countries, different ways. He's only being h...
Eliza Doolittle: [singing] I shall not feel alone without you, I can stand on my own without you. So go back in your shell, I can do bloody well without... Professor Henry Higgins: [singing] By George, I really did it, I did it, I did it! I said I'd ...
Bert: You're a man of high position, esteemed by your peers. [sings] Bert: And when your little tykes are crying, you haven't time to dry their tears... And see their thankful little faces smiling up at you... 'Cause their dad, he always knows just w...
[Caine bursts into a car in a fast food drive-through lane] Caine: I want your motherfuckin' Daytons and your motherfuckin' stereo. And I'll take a double burger with cheese. Car-jack Victim: What? Caine: Motherfucker, order my motherfuckin' food! Vo...
[last lines] Milton Waddams: Excuse me? Excuse me, senor? May I speak to you please? I asked for a mai tai, and they brought me a pina colada, and I said no salt, NO salt for the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the g...
[first lines] Ada: The voice you hear is not my speaking voice - -but my mind's voice. I have not spoken since I was six years old. No one knows why - -not even me. My father says it is a dark talent, and the day I take it into my head to stop breath...
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: [RE: What they found on Miranda] This record here's about twelve years old. Parliament buried it and it stayed buried until River here dug it up. This is what they were afraid she knew. And they were right to fear. There's a u...
Willy Wonka: Well, fortunately, small boys are extremely springy and elastic. So I think we'll put him in my special taffy-pulling machine. That should do the trick. [to an Oompa Loompa] Willy Wonka: To the taffy-pulling room. You'll find the boy in ...
Ripley: Well, somebody's gonna have to go out there. Take a portable terminal, go out there and patch in manually. Hudson: Oh yeah, sure! With those things runnin' around? You can count me out. Hicks: Yeah I guess we can just count you out of everyth...
I don't know how you hear music. I imagine that if you like music at all then it has, in your head, some kind of third dimension to it, a dimension suggesting space as well as surface, depth of field as well as texture. Speaking for myself, I used to...